miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011

4º ESO - COMPETENCIAS - Advertising campaign

(you have to send your teacher all the tasks by email)

1. October 7th: groups and topic chosen
2. October 14th: slogan
3. October 21st: image (you must make it up)
4. October 26th: final product

The oral presentation of your campaign will be on the 28th October. You must include the following information:
  • Explain the process of your campaign: context, recipient, objective,...
  • What does the image mean? Explain it (colour, picture,...)
  • What does the slogan mean? Explain it (type of sentence (affirmative, negative, question, imperative, present simple,... why?), type of letter (big, small, colour,...), position of the slogan, etc.)
If you have any doubts about the tasks or the information you must include in the oral presentation, ask your English teacher.


3 comentarios:

  1. joe, menudo trabajito nos tenemos que currar!!

  2. You should make your comments in English... :)

  3. we often work to do but not much fun cumbersome this is my opinion
